Distance education highly differs from the traditional form of campus education.It would be unfair to consider distance education as inferior to other forms of education.
If you have been looking for a lucrative business opportunity, then here is your chance. We offers you a unique opportunity that will help you venture into the education sector.
We can assist you in choosing right career oriented program. Do BA, BCom, BBA, BSc, BCA, Diploma, MA, MCom, MBA, MCA, MSc. 100% UGC & Govt Recognized University.
Finesse Institute of Management and Technology™ offers regular and distance learning educational programs in various fields of Information Technology, Management, Banking & Finance, Health Care and Mass Communication & Journalism. We aim to provide high quality, value based, and career-oriented regular & distance education to students. We endeavor to provide quality education to our students.
We at FIMT understand your requirement for educational development to ensure continuous personal and professional growth. We realize the need of educational programs carefully carved to fit in to your hectic schedule and deadlines of meeting various responsibilities.
We look forward to welcome you as a student in Finesse Institute of Management and Technology™.
Following are the wide range of job oriented Under Graduate Academic Courses you can opt for.
B.A. General |
B.A. Economics |
B.A. Education |
B.A. Geography |
B.A. History |
B.A. Home Sci. |
B.A. Jour & Mass |
B.A. Political Sci |
B.A. Public Admin |
B.A. Sociology |
B.Sc. Physics |
B.Sc. Chemistry |
B.Sc. Biology |
B.Sc. Mathematics |
B.Sc. Bio-Tech |
B.Sc. Bio-Chemistry |
B.Sc. Micro-Biology |
B.Sc. Bio-Inform |
B.Sc. Env Science |
B.Sc. Agriculture |
B.Sc. Zoology |
Following are the wide range of job oriented Under Graduate Management Courses you can opt for.
I.M.B.A Airport Mgmt |
I.M.B.A Entrepreneurship |
I.M.B.A Financial |
I.M.B.A Hotel Mgmt |
I.M.B.A I.T |
I.M.B.A Insurance |
I.M.B.A Retail |
I.M.B.A Marketing |
I.M.B.A School Mgmt |
I.M.B.A Tourism |
Following are the wide range of job oriented Under Graduate Technical Courses you can opt for.
B.C.A |
B.Sc. IT |
B.Sc. Comp Sci |
B.Sc. Hardware |
B.M.M |
B.Tech Automobile |
B.Tech Bio Techn |
B.Tech Chemical |
B.Tech Civil |
B.Tech Comp Sci |
B.Tech Electrical |
B.Tech Elec & Comm |
B.Tech Food Tech |
B.Tech Instrumentation |
B.Tech Mechanical |
B.Tech Metallurgical |
B.Tech Mining |
B.Tech Nano Tech |
B.Tech Telecomm |
B.Tech Textile |
Enhance your skills & qualification with our Post Graduate Academic Courses.
M.A Economics |
M.A Education |
M.A English |
M.A Geography |
M.A Hindi |
M.A History |
M.A. Human Rights |
M.A. Jour and Mass Comm |
M.A Music |
M.A Philosophy |
M.A Physical Edu |
M.A Pol Science |
M.A Public Admin |
M.A Public Relations |
M.A Sociology |
LL.M. |
M.Com |
M.Lib |
M.Sc Agriculture |
M.Sc Applied Biology |
M.Sc Applied Psyc |
M.Sc Bio-informatics |
M.Sc Bio-Technology |
M.Sc Botany |
Enhance your skills & qualification with our Post Graduate Management Courses.
M.B.A Agri Business |
M.B.A. Airport Mgmt |
M.B.A Banking |
M.B.A Bio-informatics |
M.B.A Bio-Technology |
M.B.A Clinical Res. |
M.B.A Criminology |
M.B.A Disaster Mgmt |
M.B.A Ecotourism |
M.B.A eGovernance |
M.B.A Entrepreneurship |
M.B.A Environmental |
M.B.A Fashion Design |
M.B.A Financial Mgmt |
M.B.A Fire Safety |
M.B.A Forensic Sci |
M.B.A Geoinformatics |
M.B.A Geriatric Care |
M.B.A Global Peace |
M.B.A Green Business |
M.B.A Health Care |
M.B.A Hotel Mgmt |
M.B.A Indust. Safety |
M.B.A I.T |
M.B.A Institutional Mgmt |
M.B.A Insurance |
M.B.A Property Rights |
M.B.A International Business |
M.B.A Investment |
M.B.A Marketing Mgmt |
M.B.A Media Mgmt |
M.B.A Med. Plants |
M.B.A Nanotechnology |
M.B.A NGO Mgmt |
M.B.A Occu Safety |
M.B.A Pharmaceutical |
M.B.A Police Admin |
M.B.A Pollution Cntrl |
M.B.A Prod & Oper |
M.B.A Project Mgmt |
M.B.A Real Estate |
M.B.A Retail |
M.B.A Rural Development |
M.B.A School Mgmt |
M.B.A Six Sigma |
M.B.A Sports Mgmt |
M.B.A Supply Chain |
M.B.A Sust Dvlpmnt |
M.B.A Tourism |
Enhance your skills & qualification with our Post Graduate Technical Courses.
M.C.A |
M.Sc. IT |
M.Sc. Comp Sci. |
M.Tech Automobile |
M.Tech Bio-Technology |
M.Tech Chemical |
M.Tech Civil |
M.Tech Computer Science |
M.Tech Electrical |
M.Tech Elec & Comm |
M.Tech Environment Engg |
M.Tech Food Tech |
M.Tech Green Tech |
M.Tech Instrumentation Engg |
M.Tech Mechanical |
M.Tech Metallurgical |
M.Tech Mining |
M.Tech Nano tech |
M.Tech Telecomm |